International Project for Low and High Technics in Contemporary Media Art

Critique of Pure Image – Between Fake and Quotation

A project of the Art Today Association
in collaboration with Code Flow
written and curated by Dimitrina Sevova


Dorel Naste

Daily Stories 1-3
3 short video films installed on the electronic advertising panel in the main hall of the central train station in Plovdiv, respectively 26’’, 24’’ and 30’’, 2004.

Dorel Naste was born in 1980 in Targu-Mures, Romania, and lives and works in Bucharest, Romania. He graduated in 2003 from the University of Fine Arts in Bucharest. Besides his work as a video artist, he has created, with Vali Chincisan, the underconstruct platform including the offset project, which provides “the bewildered contemporary art armchair fanatic” with an overview of what’s new in Romanian contemporary art. Everyday we create personal stories. We transfigure / paint realities. One day I shot the first sequence, the second day I shot the second sequence and the third the next day. Here are three short subjective stories in which the written message wants to be kind of a spot but it doesn’t succeed. What remains is what I thought under some circumstances.


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art today lab 2005