International Project for Low and High Technics in Contemporary Media Art

Critique of Pure Image – Between Fake and Quotation

A project of the Art Today Association
in collaboration with Code Flow
written and curated by Dimitrina Sevova


Monochrom & Georg Paul Thomann (Johannes Grenzfurthner & Günther Friesinger)

Who shot Immanence? – On The Dynamics Of Appropriation And Intervention In The Work Of Georg Paul Thomann (video film, 2002) and The Funeral of Georg Paul Thomann (video film, 2005)
Mixed-media installation with 2 video films and digital prints.


monochrom is an internationally acclaimed art-technology-philosophy group (founded in 1993) having its seat in Vienna, Austria. Its offices are located at Museumsquartier/Vienna. The group works with different media and art formats. Recurring topics: contemporary art, left activism, performance, theater, film, media theory, humour, postmodernism, deconstruction, alternate history, fake, cultural studies, culture jamming, hacktivism, copyleft, blog. The monochrom group publishes the book and magazine series monochrom in German language. Webinfo on some monochrom projects:
<> (German);
<> (English);
<> (monochrom Wikipedia entry).

Günther Friesinger (* 1973, Graz) ist Philosoph, Medienmacher, Künstler, Komponist und Kurator. Arbeitet am Vizerektorat Studien und Lehrwesen, Projekt Lehrentwicklung und Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien. Medial tätig für Radio 1476/Ö1, Radio UTON, Radio Orange, Radio Helsinki, Radio Fro, Radiofabrik Salzburg, Radio Frequenns. Softwareentwicklung, Forschung im Bereich von alternativen Szenen, Netzkulturen, Hybrid Cultures als Projektmanager bei Team Teichenberg. Mitglied der Kunst- und Theoriegruppe monochrom. Viele seiner künstlerischen Arbeiten sind als “monochrom” gelabelt.


Johannes Grenzfurthner (* 1975, Wien) ist Künstler, Autor, Kurator. Medial tätig für FM4, Zündfunk, Boing Boing, Testcard, Telepolis, Ray. Hält Vorträge auf internationalen Symposien und ist als Juror für Festivals (z.B. Steirischer Herbst, Graz) tätig. Gründer der Kunst- und Theoriegruppe monochrom. Viele seiner künstlerischen Arbeiten sind als “monochrom” gelabelt. Herausgeber der Zeitschriften- und Buchreihe monochrom.


Since the early 1960s, Georg Paul Thomann has devoted himself to the grey zones where systems intersect: the art (market), politics, economics, pop, gaiety, vanity, good clean fanaticism, crisis, language, culture, self-content, identity, utopia, Georg Paul Thomann, mania and despair. The technique underlying his work is that of being and working in the fields of painting/the fine arts, Pop/avant-garde, theory/reflection, interventionism/politics, gaiety/lust/tragedy, (self-)configuration/mystification, and city/village. The project he pushes into and beyond these fields is 'networking' events, people, possibilities, material, impetus and identities. However, the networking here does not aim at constructing a transcendental mesh of contacts, but rather an ever-expanding and self-decentralising field of immanence, taking into account the phenomenon of rampancy as its determinate form of motion. On July 21, 2005 Prof. Georg Paul Thomann died in a tragic accident at the tender age of 60. The funeral took place on Friday, July 29 in Hall in Tirol/Austria.


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art today lab 2005